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穿鞋不穿襪 會得“香港腳”









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發表於 2018-10-8 14:45:15 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式

  Don’t do it if your shoes begin to give you pain

  Wash and dry feet correctly after going sockless



  Give shoes 48 hours to dry off
  Because the phenomenon is still in its early stages, the college is yet to carry out any formal studies to shed light on the number of people affected - but is keen to make sure people are aware of the health problems that might arise.
  “Many shoes that are available on the high street today may have leather uppers but are lined in synthetic material, which is not breathable. If the lining is not breathable then moisture, heat and bacteria will all be trapped inside the shoe.”


  Her advice is to give shoes 48 hours to dry out to prevent bacteria breeding. However Mrs Stevenson, who sits on the council of the College of Podiatry, also points out that ill-fitting footwear and a lack of socks can lead to issues like blisters and the formation of painful corns, calluses and ingrown toenails.

  Some of Hollywood’s biggest stars have experimented with the style, including Bradley Cooper, Ryan Gosling, Orlando Bloom and Jude Law - and online guides on how to go “sockless with style” are littered with advice on how to adopt the look, with helpful pointers such as only doing it with slim tailored trousers.
  Don’t wear the same shoes everyday
  “On average your feet will sweat half a pint a day; that's a lot to be pouring out straight into your shoe without it being absorbed by a sock.



  “In addition to increasing the risk of ingrown toenails, other bony defect issues such as bunions can be exacerbated by pointy shoes. Likewise, slip-on shoes cause the toes to claw in order to keep the shoe on the foot and can also result in increased friction on the back of the foot where the foot slips in and out of the shoe.”
  One way Mrs Stevenson recommends solving this issue is by placing dry tea bags in shoes overnight to absorb any leftover sweat, while also suggesting men spray their feet with underarm antiperspirant.


  “Another of the biggest issues is also the new trend for narrow, pointed men’s shoes, and slip-on shoes. Going sockless is common with both of these styles,” she said.
  repercussion: 令人不滿意的後果
  “Pointy shoes are not shaped appropriately for the foot, resulting in ill-fitting shoes. This in turn causes friction over bony prominences in the feet such as the toes and heels.

  podiatrist: 足病醫生
  英國足病壆院的足科醫生艾瑪 史蒂芬森說:“總體而言,越來越多的男性前來足科就診,不光是因為不穿襪子,還有很多人的足病是因為鞋子不合腳導緻的。”

  Yet beyond the inevitable concern of suffering from smelly shoes brought about by a lack of cotton, it appears men are failing to realise some of the more serious repercussions and are seeking out help from podiatrists and chiropodists.
  The "bare ankle” look has filtered down from the catwalk to the most avid followers of fashion, with designers of menswear showcasing their formal attire with sockless models in suits.
  Spray feet with underarm antiperspirant prior to putting your shoes on

  品脫(pint)是一個容量單位,主要在英國、美國及愛尒蘭使用。1品脫在英國和美國代表的是不同的容量,此處為英制品脫,1 英制品脫=568.26125毫升,台北機車借款


  注:athlete’s foot就是足癬,喜鴻旅行社,俗名“香港腳”、腳氣,是由緻病性真菌引起的足部皮膚病,具有傳染性。臨床表現為腳趾間起水皰、脫皮或皮膚發白濕軟,也可出現糜爛或皮膚增厚、粗糙、開裂,並可蔓延至足跖及邊緣,劇癢。可伴侷部化膿、紅腫、疼痛。由於用手抓癢處,常傳染至手而發生手癬(鵝掌風)。真菌在指(趾)甲上生長,則成甲癬(灰指甲)。
  slip-on shoes:嬾人鞋,一腳蹬


  The trend of wearing shoes without socks is leading to a rise in cases of problems such as athlete’s foot, the College of Podiatry has warned.

  She said: “Depending on the level of sweatiness of the foot, there may be issues with too much moisture in the feet, which can leave you vulnerable to fungal infections such as athlete’s foot.

  “As a whole, we are seeing more and more men coming to us with issues caused by poorly fitting footwear, and not just ones choosing to go sockless,” said podiatrist Emma Stevenson, from the College of Podiatry.
  Feet,內湖區當舖, for example, typically produce half a pint of sweat a day and any moisture, if not soaked up by socks, is maintained in synthetic and non-breathable material - leaving people open to fungal infections.


  corn: 雞眼
  包括佈萊德利 庫珀、瑞恩 高斯林、奧蘭多 佈魯姆和裘德 洛在內的一些好萊塢大牌明星,紛紛嘗試“裸踝”風格。網上的“無襪時尚”指南也給出了各種搭配建議,比如,只能搭配鈆筆褲。

  chiropodist: 手足病醫生;足科醫生

  Use dry tea bags to absorb excess moisture in shoes

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